Type in your search terms below. Hover over the "?" for tips.
We look for keywords in the majority of the text of each report, including those available only in pdf form from the official chief coroner listings.
To download the full results as a CSV, you'll need to pay for one-off 24 hour access (£40) or unlimited access (£100/month subscription).
You'll be asked to enter a license key to download your results. Email [email protected] if you run into any issues.
DISCLAIMER: The database contains records for more than 5,400 results going back to 2013. However, as the official coronial website sometimes adds, amends or deletes historical reports, we cannot guarantee the EasyFOI database is comprehensive. Our search should bring up every relevant report in our database, but that database is likely to vary slightly from the live government database.
We use AI to pull out estimated ages and dates of death. We also use it to summarise details from each report. The accuracy and sensitivity of these details and summaries cannot be guaranteed, so make sure to double-check them before using them in research or reporting.
Please bear in mind these reports concern real people, with friends and family members who are still alive. Be sensitive and responsible with this information. EasyFOI bears no responsibility for how customers use it.
Have some feedback? Get in touch at [email protected]
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by Katie
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